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Home > Our Causes

Cross-cutting Issues

SWSC supports other crosscutting issues that not only impact women and girls but also the community at large. They include: Climate Change SWSC creates awareness on impacts of climate change and importance of environmental sustainability. SWSC encourages women’s economic...

Violence Against Women& Girls in Emergencies

SWSC recognizes that women and girls are vulnerable in conflict and emergency situations. Women and girls’ vulnerability to violence increases during drought and conflict due to displacement. SWSC supports initiatives to raise awareness among the various stakeholders to prevent...

Peace Building

Somali women continue to play critical roles in peace-building and conflict prevention. Yet various factors impede their participation in peace processes. SWSC supports women’s peace-building initiatives.

Women’s Economic Empowerment

Women’s meager incomes continue to be vital to the survivals of large number of households in Somalia. Yet, they lack access to credit, training and any other economic opportunities that can lift them out of poverty. Thus, investing in...

Gender Equality & Women Empowerment

The Sustainable Development Goals highlight the benefits of addressing gender inequality and positive impacts on poverty reduction and marginalization. We believe that empowering women and girls is the key to social transformation. Through our work, we advocate for the...


Educate a woman and you educate a nation – African Proverb SWSC is passionate about girls’ education and committed in creating opportunities for young women to become empowered and aware of women’s rights. In Somalia, girls’ enrolment in school...

Protection (GBV)

More work needs to be done to raise awareness on the effects of harmful cultural practices and drafting and implementing legislation that protect women and girls from sexual violence and respond to the needs of survivors. SWSC recognizes that...


We are the only women-focused research centre and strongly believe that research that captures Somali women’s perspective can amplify their voices and influence policy-making.  SWSC conducts surveys and data collection targeting population at our areas of operation in Somalia....


SWSC wants to bolster the capacity of women to influence policy makers and policy making processes in Somalia by: